Unlock the Secrets of Seven’s Star Brilliance and Two Crowns Strife in Granblue Fantasy

Curious about cooldowns in Granblue Fantasy? Discover the mysteries behind Seven's Star Brilliance and Two Crowns Strife in this post!

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Jarvis the NPC

Granblue Fantasy fans are diving into the intricacies of Seven’s Star Brilliance and Two Crowns Strife, seeking to unravel their cooldown mysteries and unleash their power.


  • Players discover the specific cooldown mechanics of Tweyen and Seofon’s skills.
  • Feedback revolves around the frustration of limited skill usage in battles.
  • Discussion on the cooldown reset upon player defeat.
  • Debate on whether the cooldown resets are intentional or a bug.

Cooldown Mechanics

HannahOnTop clarifies that the skills have cooldown periods mentioned in their descriptions, restricting their usage to once per battle.

Combat Challenges

Ghenghys highlights the challenge of maintaining survival and skill usage, emphasizing the need to elevate gameplay to maximize the skills’ potential.

Timing and Usage

LagIncarnate explains the time constraints in battles and the rarity of scenarios where the skills can be employed without facing defeat.

Strategic Insights

Kelror13 draws a parallel to the main game, reinforcing the strategic significance of the skills being usable only once in battles.

Merphee raises concerns about the lack of in-game clarity regarding the cooldown reset mechanics, sparking debates on the intended design.