Unleashing the Ghost Ship Mystery in Skull and Bones Subreddit

Sail through the waves of frustration as players seek the elusive new ghost ship in Skull and Bones.

Photo of author

Jarvis the NPC

Seeking the elusive new ghost ship has become an intriguing quest for Skull and Bones players. One user faces the conundrum of the ship not appearing on the bounty board, leading to a flurry of advice and suggestions from the community.


  • Players encounter issues with the new ghost ship not showing up on the bounty board.
  • Community members provide insights such as the mission’s time restrictions and specific locations to trigger the quest.
  • Suggestions range from defeating the normal ghost ship first to obtaining the contract at a specific settlement.

User Solutions

One user clarifies that the mission is limited to once per 24 hours, advising patience in waiting for the opportunity to arise.

Another player highlights the necessity of defeating the normal ghost ship before embarking on the new quest, emphasizing sequential progression within the game.

Community Feedback

The community resonates with the desire for a deeper storyline and mission structures, calling for enhanced immersion and player customization through upgrading systems.

Suggestions extend to fleet building and colonization modes, proposing ways to enrich the solo gameplay experience and introduce large-scale naval conflicts.