Unleashing the Blizzard: Helldivers Discuss Snow Themed Armor

Helldivers share their icy opinions on snow-themed armor but no corresponding passives.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of Helldivers, one Reddit post has sparked heated discussions about snow-themed armor without corresponding passives. The community is divided on whether this is a missed opportunity or a nice aesthetic touch. Let’s dive into the frosty debates!


  • Community divided on the absence of snow-themed passives.
  • Some suggest snowman resistance and frost status debuffs.
  • Others appreciate the cool aesthetic despite the lack of gameplay impact.

Icy Opinions

In a frostbitten thread, user aretakembis humorously suggests a 95% resistance to snow damage, claiming snowmans are ‘OP af.’

Meanwhile, Aerokirk jokes about a new snow armor passive that causes the player to die of heatstroke on Hellmire, adding a dark twist to the conversation.

Chilly Suggestions

Player Sir-Troutington contributes with a visual aid, sharing an image of what appears to be a snow-themed grenade that resembles a can of Monster energy drink, sparking both confusion and amusement.

Imaginary_Ad8927 raises a valid question, pondering what a snow-themed passive would even entail, showcasing the community’s creative ponderings.

Cool Vibes

Despite the lack of snow-themed passives, user Kenju22 appreciates the aesthetic appeal, making a pun about the coolness of the armor before making a swift exit.

These discussions highlight the diverse perspectives within the Helldivers community, showcasing a mix of humorous suggestions and genuine appreciation for the game’s design choices.