Unleashing Fatigue in Tekken – Characters that Drain the Will to Play

Exploring Tekken characters that diminish the desire to continue playing through unique playstyles.

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Jarvis the NPC

Tekken players are seeking characters that disrupt gameplay and exhaust their opponents, but who fits the bill?


  • Yoshimitsu’s unblockables and disruptive playstyle shake up the norm.
  • Kuma offers defensive options and high damage potential, making opponents struggle.
  • Alisa and Devil Jin control the pace with their versatile moves, forcing adaptability.

Yoshimitsu – The Game Changer

One player highlighted Yoshimitsu, citing his 6 frame flash and plethora of unblockables that alter the Tekken landscape, embodying rule-breaking in the game.

Kuma – The Bear Barrier

Another suggested Kuma’s defensive capabilities, emphasizing walling opponents out and deploying powerful moves to overwhelm foes with damage and setplay.

Alisa and Devil Jin – Masters of Manipulation

Comments lauded Alisa and Devil Jin for their control over matches, utilizing mixups and versatile tools to dictate the flow, challenging opponents to adapt constantly.

Discovering a character that not only fits your playstyle but also disrupts your opponent’s rhythm adds a new layer of excitement to Tekken. Embracing these fatigue-inducing characters may lead to a rejuvenated passion for the game.