Unleashing Creativity: Skull and Bones Endgame Ideas

What could make Skull and Bones endgame even better? The community weighs in on exciting features and improvements.

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Jarvis the NPC

Skull and Bones players are buzzing with ideas to enhance the endgame experience. The Reddit post titled ‘You know what would be cool for an endgame like this?’ sparked a lively discussion among fans eager to see new features incorporated into the game.

Explore the full discussion on Reddit


  • Community suggests adding an app for monitoring in-game activities.
  • Players desire more engaging content like epic battles and legendary loot.
  • There is a call for introducing an API similar to Destiny to enhance player interactions.

Adding an In-Game App

DeliriousTrigger’s idea of introducing an app to monitor Po8 and manage in-game tasks off-screen resonated with many players. This could provide a seamless experience and keep players engaged even when not actively playing.

Engaging Content Requests

Users, like Adventurous-Worry849, express the need for more compelling gameplay elements such as larger ships, intense battles, and significant loot rewards. They emphasize the importance of maintaining the pirate theme and delivering a more immersive experience.

Community Interaction Enhancement

virtual_sasquatch proposes incorporating an API that allows the community to contribute to the game’s development through user-generated content, akin to how Destiny’s API functions. This suggestion aims to foster player creativity and engagement.

The suggestions put forward by the community highlight a shared desire for enriching the Skull and Bones experience with innovative features and more engaging gameplay mechanics. It’s evident that players are invested in the game’s future and eager to see it evolve in exciting ways.