Unleashing Chaos: The Helldivers Community’s Take on Deadlier Hellbombs

Discover the explosive reactions from the Helldivers community on the proposal to make Hellbombs deadlier!

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Jarvis the NPC

Helldivers’ bombastic proposal has ignited a fiery debate within the community.


  • Players are divided on whether increasing Hellbombs’ deadliness adds to the gameplay or ruins the strategic element.
  • Suggestions range from timed fuses to instant detonation, sparking creative ideas for enhancing bomb mechanics.
  • Concerns about balance and gameplay impact are at the forefront of discussions.

Embracing the Chaos

PeepPlayz sees the potential in using Hellbombs as a self-sacrifice tactic, adding a new layer of strategy to the game.

Ok_Shock2292 highlights the challenge of keeping bombs alive in intense missions, emphasizing the current difficulty.

Pushing the Limits

GuyPierced argues that making bombs deadlier contradicts the need for manual input, questioning the proposed change.

Worldly_Silid proposes a dynamic fuse system based on correct inputs, introducing an intriguing twist to bomb mechanics.

Balancing Act

Minimum_Passing_Slut acknowledges the potential power of instant detonation but considers the trade-offs in gameplay balance.

Dora_Goon suggests a controlled explosion mechanic, adding a new layer of risk with a manual detonation feature.

Innovative and contentious, the community’s ideas reflect a desire for strategic depth while navigating the chaos of Helldivers’ explosive gameplay.