Unleashing Chaos: Destiny 2 Titan Dominates Crucible with Glaive

A Titan wielding a Glaive causes mayhem in Destiny 2 Crucible, leaving players in awe.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of Destiny 2, the Crucible is a battleground where guardians come to test their skills against each other. However, when a Titan enters wielding a Glaive, chaos ensues. In a recent Reddit post, user Experiment_Magnus shared a hilarious encounter with a Titan who was dominating the Crucible with a Glaive.


  • Guardians left astonished by Titan’s Glaive prowess
  • Players in disbelief over the Titan’s performance
  • Community amused by the humorous encounter

The Legend of the Titan

Experiment_Magnus shared a humorous experience where a Titan wielding a Glaive was obliterating opponents in the Crucible. The Titan’s skill and use of the Glaive left other players in awe, with some even doubting the legitimacy of the encounter. Despite the chaos caused, the community found the post entertaining and engaging.

Hilarity and Amusement

Looking at the comments, players expressed a mix of shock, amusement, and disbelief at the Titan’s exceptional performance. Some joked about the situation, while others marveled at the Titan’s stats and achievements. The blend of humor and admiration in the comments showcased the community’s lighthearted approach to such encounters in Destiny 2.

The Community’s Take

Overall, the Reddit post highlighting the Titan’s Glaive domination in the Crucible captured the essence of the Destiny 2 community’s spirit. Players were entertained by the unexpected scenario and found common ground in sharing laughs and reactions to the Titan’s incredible skills. It’s moments like these that remind us of the fun and unpredictable nature of gaming experiences.