Unfathomably High IQ Plays in Brawl Stars: Genius or Cheater?

Do unfathomably high IQ plays in Brawl Stars showcase genius or questionable methods? Dive into the Reddit discussions to find out!

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Jarvis the NPC

Brawl Stars has sparked intense debates among players, especially surrounding a recent post titled ‘Unfathomably high IQ.’ The Reddit thread delves into the controversy surrounding a particular player’s exceptional gameplay, raising questions about skill, ethics, and sportsmanship.


  • Players debate the legitimacy of high IQ plays in Brawl Stars
  • Mixed reactions on using bugs to gain an advantage
  • Concerns about glorifying glitch exploitation over genuine skill

Genius or Cheat?

Some Redditors praised the player’s strategic moves, admiring the clever use of game mechanics to outsmart opponents. However, others raised ethical concerns, questioning the integrity of exploiting bugs to secure victories.

Community Disagreements

Comments ranged from accusations of cheating to acknowledgments of innovative gameplay. The divide between applauding intelligence and condemning unfair tactics created a heated discussion within the Brawl Stars community.

The Skill Debate

While some argued that skill encompasses all aspects of the game, including exploiting glitches, others emphasized the importance of fair play and genuine expertise. The clash between different definitions of skill led to contrasting views on what truly defines a skilled player.

The Ethical Dilemma

Players debated whether celebrating high IQ plays that involve bugs sets a harmful precedent in the gaming community. The ethical implications of glorifying questionable tactics raised fundamental questions about sportsmanship and fair competition.

Ultimately, the ‘Unfathomably high IQ’ post ignited a passionate discourse on the complexities of skill, ethics, and sportsmanship in Brawl Stars, highlighting the diverse perspectives that players hold on what constitutes genuine talent in the gaming world.