Unexpected Pairings: The Popularity of Ghost x Soap Fanfiction in the Call of Duty Community

Exploring the surprising popularity of fan-made stories featuring Ghost and Soap from Call of Duty.

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Jarvis the NPC

Crack open the world of Call of Duty fanfiction and you’re in for a real surprise! One popular trend that may catch your attention is an intriguing fanfiction pairing – Ghost x Soap storyline.


  • The characters Ghost and Soap have a distinct chemistry that fans find appealing.
  • This pairing is considered iconic within the community, contributing to high levels of engagement.
  • The trend may also reflect a broader cultural shift, reinterpreting action-adventure narratives.

The Chemistry between Ghost and Soap

Diving first into the core of the phenomenon, Scrollwriter22 points out that Ghost and Soap got chemistry. It’s not just about their camaraderie on the battlefield, but also the tacit understandings, shared burdens and unspoken words between them that resonate with many fans.

Iconic Presence in Call of Duty Universe

Another aspect is the characters’ legacy within the Call of Duty franchise. TonPeppermint emphasizes their great performance in MW2022, reminding us of the longstanding fondness for these characters among the community.

The Broader Cultural Context

Finally, there’s an interesting broader context here. As Elcrest_Drakenia highlights, what we’re seeing could reflect wider shifts within media as a whole, with audiences increasingly drawn to stories that aren’t afraid to subvert expectations and norms, and to reimagine relationships between characters.

Final Verdict

Whether it’s the chemistry that’s got you hooked, or it’s the sheer iconic nature of these characters, one thing is clear – Ghost x Soap is here to stay. From Reddit to AO3, you’ll find countless tales breathing life into this pairing. As unconventional as it might sound to the everyday gamer, this fascination with Ghost and Soap is a testament to the affection fans have for these characters, and possibly indicates a broader, shifting trend in fandom engagement.