Understanding Neuvillette’s Approval of the Hilichurl Sniping Event in Genshin Impact

Delving into the intriguing endorsements in the Genshin Impact story, Neuvillette's surprising decision has caught the attention of many fans.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the popular game Genshin Impact, players have been curious about a particular turn of events – the surprising approval of the Hilichurl sniping event by none other than the character Neuvillette.


  • A range of opinions emerged from fans, with some finding Neuvillette’s approval quite unusual, while others considered it comical.
  • Most agreed that the event added unexpected depth to Neuvillette’s character.
  • Several players reported unique and exciting gaming experiences triggered by this particular event.

Player Reactions

Users like temptillbday found depth in this unusual scenario, mentioning that Neuvillette’s suspicions of being targeted in the desert had some merit, but ended up in an unexpected way.

Meanwhile, others, such as Resident-Elephant234, found the whole situation mostly funny. They verbally tipped their hat to the hilichurl in question, naming it “iconic as f*ck.”

Implications for the Game’s Narrative

User rW0HgFyxoJhYka gives a T-rating joke by saying “NSFW: Neuvillette pounded by AI.” This could hint at possible developments in how the game’s AI might influence future storylines, making things much more unpredictable.

An interesting point was also raised by Dankstin who shared a personal experience with a game glitch that provided a thoroughly unique experience, which resonated with others’ experience regarding the Hilichurl event.


What can be concluded from these player insights are the elements of surprise, unpredictability and humor that the game injects into its storyline, keeping players engaged and entertained. From the unexpected approval of the sniping event to the comical implications, these elements serve to enrich the gaming experience.

At this amusing juncture in the Genshin Impact narrative, one can only imagine what unexpected twists and hilarious turns await the players in the future. As we continue to chronicle the journey of our beloved characters, we can expect many more surprises to come.