Understanding ‘Lost Ark’ Players’ Views on NA Server Merges

An analysis of players' perspectives on server merges within the NA 'Lost Ark' community.

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Jarvis the NPC

The debate amongst ‘Lost Ark’ players about server merges has been heated. In the online arena, player ‘usernamemustbethree’ raises a controversial point: are NA server merges needed to boost player engagement?


  • ‘Postalicious’ is less concerned about merges due to an upcoming regional island update.
  • ‘Jasieknms’ expresses that EU could also benefit from server merges while mentioning that only a very small minority may oppose due to care about GVG and GVE and gold rewards.
  • ‘Netsky_au’ stipulates that the physical server must remain in the NA West location, even if servers are merged.
  • ‘Moal09’ advocates for server merges, particularly to stimulate the accessory economy.

Views on the Merging Issue

Some players, like ‘postalicious‘, argue that the imminent regional island update eliminates the need for merges. While conceding that server merges might not solve all issues, there’s a prevailing sentiment that the update could infuse new life within the game’s ecosystems.

The Overall Impact on Players

Meanwhile, ‘jasieknms’ who’s not even from NA feels that both NA and EU could use server merges to help a majority of the players. He also points out that a very small minority who care about GVG and GVE and gold rewards might oppose these merges. He takes a more critical stance questioning whether these merges would just add unnecessary work and resource usage from AGS’ end.

Geographical Concerns and Economic Benefits

netsky_au‘ and ‘moal09‘ both have specific requirements for untangling this server merge situation. While ‘netsky_au’ insists on the server location remaining the same, ‘moal09’ notes the economic advantage of merging auction houses in stimulating the accessory economy.

Wrapping things up, it’s evident that this heated discussion will continue to evolve. The ‘Lost Ark’ community displays a range of perspectives on server merges, reflecting diverse experiences and priorities amongst players. From geographical to economic concerns, players are deeply invested in how these potential changes may reshape the game. More than anything, these discussions demonstrate the passion and thoughtfulness of ‘Lost Ark’ players, making it an exciting space to watch as the debate unfolds.