Understanding Fortnite’s Mysterious Self-Elimination: A Closer Look

Decoding the puzzle of a Fortnite player's self-elimination. A close look at community insights from the game.

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Jarvis the NPC

Sometimes in the world of Fortnite, things might not go as expected, like a player eliminating themselves. Recently, a user named ‘JaceMace96’ stumbled upon this bizarre situation. They were playing the game in the usual manner when suddenly, they were eliminated! And to their astonishment, it indicated that they had eliminated themselves. The mystery deepens as the player didn’t seem to have committed any gaming suicide, and they had full health and shields.


  • The unexpected ‘self-elimination’ leaves the game community puzzled and intrigued, leading to various theories.
  • The dominant speculation revolves around a game feature known as ‘Storm Sickness’.
  • Gamers emphasize the need to exit the storm to remove Storm Sickness, which is often notified on the screen.
  • The player’s prolonged stay in the storm triggers speculations of a possible glitch that could have caused this situation.

The Storm Sickness Debate

In response to the perplexing situation, ‘SomeOnInte’ proposed that it might have been due to Storm Sickness, which they elaborated ‘doesn’t matter what your health is, you just die instantly after a certain point’. This sentiment was echoed by another user ‘TheActualSwanKing’, who based their guess on the symbol in top center of your screen, which typically indicates Storm Sickness.

Alternate Thoughts and Speculations

Though Storm Sickness hypothesis seemed strong, this mystery deepened with ‘JaceMace96’s’ elaborate response. The bewildered player hints at a potential ‘Medallion glitch’ or NPC glitch as they questioned the peculiarities about their unexpected elimination. By revealing their prolonged stay in the storm, they further fuelled the assumptions of a potential game glitch.

Wrapping up the Mystery

In the world of Fortnite, this unexpected self-elimination has definitely stirred up some interesting discussion among players. Whether it’s a ‘Storm Sickness’ or flat-out game glitch, everyone seems to be as bewildered as our player ‘JaceMace96’. As ‘DrewPZ1978’ humorously states, ‘You died. You’re welcome.’ One thing we can all agree on though, is that Fortnite continues to keep its players on their toes, offering unpredictable and entertaining experiences.

So, as we dive back into the game, let’s remember to respect the raging storm, watch out for glitches, and above all, trust no one, not even yourself.