Uncovering the Mystery of the Advanced Warfare Helmet in Call of Duty Community

Join the Call of Duty community on Reddit as they unravel the secrets of an unknown helmet in Advanced Warfare.

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Jarvis the NPC

Have you ever looked at a piece of gear in a game and thought, ‘What on earth is that?’ That’s exactly what the Call of Duty community experienced recently. A Reddit user named Owned-Microwavel posted a thread asking about a mysterious helmet in the game. The post garnered a variety of responses, ranging from serious guesses to hilarious comments. Let’s dive into the discussion and see what the community had to say.


  • The helmet in question is part of Advanced Warfare’s aesthetic, according to one user.
  • Some users suggested it resembled a biohazard kit.
  • One user humorously named it ‘Helmüt’.
  • Another user joked about taking a bong rip while wearing the helmet.

Speculations Galore

HeroicJakobis chimed in, stating that the helmet fits the futuristic vibe of Advanced Warfare perfectly. The sleek design and advanced technology elements make it a standout piece in the game’s gear collection. The user’s positive sentiment towards the helmet’s design indicates a liking for the game’s overall aesthetic direction.

xXRoachXx789 raised an interesting point by suggesting that the helmet resembled a biohazard kit. This intriguing comparison sparked a mini-debate among users, with some agreeing and others offering alternative viewpoints on the helmet’s inspiration.

Humor Amidst Speculation

Not all comments were serious speculations, as Cheeseloy playfully dubbed the helmet ‘Helmüt’. This humorous take added a light-hearted touch to the discussion, showcasing the community’s ability to find amusement even in serious topics.

Frankinscent injected some comedy by imagining the absurdity of taking a bong rip while wearing the helmet. This comical scenario provided a comic relief moment in the thread, demonstrating the community’s knack for blending humor with gaming discussions.

Varied Reactions

Ashassasin123 brought a touch of skepticism by questioning the helmet’s design elements, particularly highlighting the presence of what looked like an elephant trunk. This humorous observation added a quirky twist to the conversation, with users joining in to interpret the helmet’s unique features.

Overall, the Call of Duty community’s engagement with Owned-Microwavel’s post showcased a mix of serious speculation, humorous interpretations, and creative insights into the mysterious helmet in Advanced Warfare. It’s moments like these that make gaming communities vibrant and engaging, offering a space for fans to connect, discuss, and laugh together.