Uncovering Hidden Tips in Deep Rock Galactic

Discover secret tricks and insights from the Deep Rock Galactic community in this blog post.

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Jarvis the NPC

Deep Rock Galactic players have shared some hidden gems about the gameplay, like not needing to deposit on the side of the drop pod unless you have specific items. Here’s what they think:


  • Inventory items count when entering the drop pod, so no need to deposit unless you have specific items
  • Some players find depositing on the side more satisfying
  • Players debate the necessity of depositing certain materials

Insights on Gameplay

Some players, like KingNedya, find satisfaction in entering the drop pod with an emptied inventory. It’s not just about efficiency but also about the experience

Debating Strategies

Others, like Ok_Bad256, question the necessity of depositing all materials and bring up items like Holomite, apoca blooms, and ebonuts

Convenience vs. Efficiency

Players like VintageGriffin discuss efficient strategies, highlighting the importance of quick deposits to save time and avoid hindrances in gameplay