Uncovering Hidden Pals in Palworld – Tips and Tricks from Reddit Gamers

Discover secrets in Palworld! Learn how players find Pals stuck inside the map.

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Jarvis the NPC

Palworld enthusiasts share their adventures and strategies on Reddit. Recently, user KittyGemma stumbled upon a lucky Pal trapped within the game’s map. The excitement was palpable as the community rallied to offer tips and solutions.


  • Exploring the unknown leads to unexpected encounters.
  • Using in-game tools creatively can solve challenging situations.
  • Community engagement enhances the gaming experience.

Adventurous Glitches

Some players mentioned exploiting glitches to access hidden areas where wayward Pals lurk. User PoriferaProficient shared a clever tactic involving mounted Pals, which allowed them to capture elusive companions. These unorthodox methods added a layer of thrill to the gameplay, blurring the lines between intended mechanics and player ingenuity.

Pet-Powered Solutions

Others, like user Smooth-Physics-69420, highlighted the importance of choosing the right companion for the task. In this case, the Jetragon’s unique abilities proved invaluable in retrieving stuck Pals. The diverse selection of pets in Palworld not only offers companionship but also serves as valuable assets for overcoming obstacles.

Comedic Relief

Amidst the discussions on game tactics, user Typhewn2x injected humor by attributing a gaming chair to the solution. While light-hearted, such remarks showcase the community’s camaraderie and knack for finding amusement in unexpected situations.