Uncovering Fun Facts in Deep Rock Galactic: Duplicate Classes Revealed

Discover the surprising truth about class duplicates in Deep Rock Galactic server lobbies.

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Jarvis the NPC

Exploring the Deep Rock Galactic subreddit, users unearthed a fun fact about duplicate classes being displayed in server lobbies. In a game where teamwork is key, this discovery raises questions and insights.


  • Unveiling the secret of class duplicates in lobbies with contradictory experiences.
  • Players uncover hidden lobby icons that denote duplicate classes.
  • New players express surprise and curiosity at this feature.

Diving Into the Discussion

Many users are intrigued by the revelation that server lobbies in Deep Rock Galactic showcase whether duplicate classes are allowed. This feature, while informative, has sparked mixed reactions within the community.

Contradictory Experiences

One user, Brilliant-Software-4, shared, ‘I have been in a lobby’s that has a no duplicate icon yet has like two gunners or two drillers.’ This discrepancy raises questions about the accuracy of the displayed information.

New Player Perceptions

A user, PreferenceBusiness2, expressed surprise, stating, ‘.. I did not know this.’ This highlights how even seasoned players may overlook certain game mechanics, leading to newfound discoveries.

Humorous Reactions

Some users added humor to the discussion, with MustlaneTheFourth sarcastically commenting, ‘No shit Sherlock.’ This playful banter showcases the light-hearted nature of the community.