Uncovering ALGS Winners Output – Insights from Apex Legends Subreddit

ALGS winners' output in Apex Legends draws attention; players discuss triple MNK and aim assist controversy.

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Jarvis the NPC

Delving into the world of competitive Apex Legends, players on the subreddit are buzzing about ALGS winners’ performance, particularly their choice of using triple MNK over aim assist. The post prompts discussions on skill, team composition, and the impact on the meta.


  • The use of triple MNK by ALGS winners sparks debate on controller vs. mouse and keyboard.
  • Players question the impact of aim assist nerfs and the dominance of Bangalore in the meta.
  • The community is divided on the significance of input devices in competitive play.

Players’ Perspectives on Triple MNK

Zeleny_Jezdec’s post highlighting ALGS winners’ choice of triple MNK stirs up discussions on the subreddit. The mention of rejecting aim assist triggers contrasting views among players.

Team Composition and Meta Shift

Comments like thatkotaguy’s inquiry about the team composition and leicea’s insight on Bangalore’s popularity shed light on how strategic choices impact competitive outcomes.

Aim Assist Debate

Players like StatisticianTop8813 and MarvinTheWise engage in a broader discussion about the ongoing debate between controller and MNK advantages, especially in light of aim assist adjustments.

The Apex Legends community is abuzz with debates on competitive strategies and the evolving meta influenced by ALGS winners’ controversial choice of input devices. From the impact of aim assist to the dominance of certain legends, players continue to dissect and analyze the competitive landscape to improve their own gameplay.