Uncover the Stinky Mystery of Baldur’s Gate

Discover the hidden truth about soap in Baldur's Gate and why it's a game-changer!

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Jarvis the NPC

Baldur’s Gate players are shocked to learn the true purpose of soap in the game. Find out why the revelation has left them reeling!


  • Players uncover the overlooked function of soap in Baldur’s Gate.
  • The addition of soap functionality sparks amusing reactions from the community.
  • The subreddit discussion highlights the comedic implications of neglecting personal hygiene in-game.

Dive into the Soap Saga

Baldur’s Gate players, long oblivious to the soap’s potential, share humorous anecdotes of discovering its true purpose. Some recount hilarious moments of neglecting basic hygiene.

Community Reactions

Players express amusement at the idea of their characters being covered in filth unknowingly, leading to entertaining roleplay scenarios.

Soap Shenanigans

The discussion explores alternative cleanliness methods in the game, from casting spells to using water or sponges to maintain character hygiene.