Uncover the Secrets of the Crassus Detonator in Deep Rock Galactic

Dive into the explosive world of Deep Rock Galactic and discover the mysterious entities that turn into gold!

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Jarvis the NPC

Deep Rock Galactic is known for its thrilling gameplay and unique creatures. In a recent Reddit post, users discuss the Crassus Detonator and its golden explosions. Let’s dig deeper into this explosive topic!


  • The Crassus Detonator, a rare variant of the Bulk Detonator, transforms terrain into gold upon death.
  • Freezing a Crassus Detonator before killing it may result in no gold rewards.
  • Users share amusing and informative anecdotes about encounters with Crassus Detonators.

Creative User Comments

“That would have been a Crassus Detonator, a rare variant of the regular Bulk Detonator. It turns the terrain directly around it into gold when it dies.”

“Do NOT freeze a Crassus Detonator if you want gold – frozen detonators implode from inside the ice and send everyone flying instead!”

“The very first day I heard about a Crassus Detonator, the next game I loaded up featured one and I was… blown away.”

Player Insights and Experiences

Players express excitement and caution when encountering Crassus Detonators, highlighting the dynamic gameplay elements of Deep Rock Galactic.

User interactions with Crassus Detonators showcase the versatility and challenges these creatures bring to the game.

From humorous nicknames to strategic tips, the community engages deeply with the lore and mechanics surrounding Crassus Detonators.

Share your own Crassus Detonator stories and join the discussion on Reddit to uncover more mysteries in Deep Rock Galactic!