Uncomfortable Feelings about a New Apex Legends Skin from Battle Pass

Apex Legends fans express mixed emotions about a controversial skin from the latest battle pass.

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Jarvis the NPC

Discussing the latest developments in Apex Legends, a controversial skin from the new battle pass has sparked mixed reactions among players. The skin in question has divided the community, leading to a range of opinions and emotions.


  • The skin design has polarized players, with some finding it uncomfortable and others embracing it.
  • Many comments express varying levels of discomfort and humor in response to the skin.
  • Some players see the skin as an opportunity for jokes and light-hearted banter.

Player Reactions

One user, PlayThisStation, comically expresses discomfort and disbelief at the skin, highlighting a sense of unease and humor.

Kamu-RS shares excitement about purchasing the battle pass, showcasing a positive outlook towards the new content.

Nazranx2 makes a witty reference to ‘Chargussy,’ blending humor with a playful take on the controversial skin.

Community Dynamics

Fluenzal-Heneark’s reaction of ‘Oh god not this again’ hints at a recurring theme or controversy within the game’s community.

BallinXFox’s comment combines humor and practical advice, offering a light-hearted perspective on handling discomfort.

ZealousidealBowl3428’s playful mention of a similar toy adds a humorous twist to the discussion, further diversifying opinions.

Community Engagement

Pandareno’s reference to past skin designs adds context to the current controversy, showing how players compare and contrast different in-game items.

Tadukaadoescombat’s motivation to get the battle pass highlights the varying degrees of interest players have towards the game’s content and rewards.

Burnout_GRT’s unique emoji response adds a touch of mystery and curiosity to the ongoing conversation.