Unbelievable Moments in Tekken: What the Heck Just Happened?

Discover the wild world of Tekken tech and see why the community can't decide whether to laugh or rage.

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Jarvis the NPC

Have you ever witnessed a moment in Tekken that made you question reality? One Reddit post delves into a particularly mind-boggling occurrence, leaving players amazed and baffled.


  • Players debate the boundaries of hitboxes and mechanics in Tekken.
  • The community is split on whether the game’s quirks are intentional or need fixing.
  • Creative humor shines through as users share their quirky takes on the situation.

Mystifying Hitboxes

When Lars seemingly defies physics and hits behind him, players are left scratching their heads. Some see it as a mechanic to spice up gameplay, while others cry foul over questionable hitbox interactions.

Community Discord

The debate rages on as players discuss the balance of game mechanics and the impact of unexpected moves on strategies. The community’s divided opinions reflect the complexity of Tekken’s design.

Humor Amidst Confusion

Amidst the chaos, users inject humor into the situation with witty remarks and imaginative explanations for the unexplainable. Laughter emerges as a coping mechanism for the bewildering moments in Tekken.

A journey into the depths of Tekken reveals a community grappling with the game’s quirks and surprises. As players continue to navigate the twists and turns of gameplay, one thing remains certain: Tekken never fails to surprise, whether for better or for worse.