Unbelievable Luck or Skilled Play? Reflecting on a Perfect Sentinel in Team Fight Tactics (TFT)

Was it luck or skill when landing the perfect sentinel in Team Fight Tactics? Let's dive in and find out!

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Jarvis the NPC

Team Fight Tactics (TFT) subreddit users are in awe of a player who managed to pull off a perfect sentinel formation. The post showcases exceptional synergy and strategy, sparking discussions on optimal choices and probabilities in the game.


  • Users question strategic decisions despite perfect sentinel synergy.
  • Calculations on the rarity of such a perfect sentinel draw.
  • Discussion on champion abilities and scaling.

Positive Sentiment: Remarkable Synergy

Ok-Helicopter1213’s impeccable sentinel lineup left users impressed and inspired. Comments like Mike_H07’s questioning of viability testify to the awe the post generated. The shared excitement of the community in witnessing such a play demonstrates the fun in TFT’s unpredictability and synergy discovery.

Negative Sentiment: Strategic Critique

Despite the elation, some comments, like FirewaterDM’s, bring a critical eye to the player’s choices. The post opens a debate on optimal strategies and decision-making processes in TFT. While celebrating success, users also engage in analyzing potential improvements and better utilization of resources.

Probability Debates and Insightful Queries

Comments by dspearia and ApricotWeak5584 introduce analytical elements to the discussion. Queries about the rarity of such a sentinel formation and champion abilities enrich the conversation with mathematical and mechanical considerations. As users try to unravel the probabilities behind the post’s success, the complexity and depth of the game mechanics come to light.

The discussion surrounding the perfect sentinel formation in TFT showcases the diverse perspectives and insights within the gaming community. While some celebrate the player’s achievement, others delve into the strategic intricacies and probabilities that underpin such gameplay. Through this post, players not only share in the excitement of exceptional plays but also engage in critical thinking and analysis, enriching their own gaming experiences.

Categories TFT