Unbelievable Bug in League of Legends – Xayah Steals a Grub!

Xayah surprises everyone by stealing a grub while on botlane. How did this happen?

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Jarvis the NPC

League of Legends players were left baffled when Xayah managed to steal a grub on botlane while stunned. The incident sparked a wave of confusion and humorous reactions among the community.


  • Xayah’s unique feather bug led to an unexpected grub steal.
  • The community found humor in the impossible scenario.
  • Players praised Xayah’s versatile mechanics despite the bug.

Naerlyn’s Analysis of the Bug

According to Naerlyn, the feather bug involving Xayah’s passive-attacks and E ability led to the unexpected grub steal. The complexity of Xayah’s mechanics created a hilarious yet impressive moment in the game.

Nizax on the Voidgrubs

Nizax humorously suggested that the grubs might be coded as Kog’Maw, hinting at the mysterious mechanics behind Xayah’s unexpected interaction with the creature.

EtherealChameleon’s Fun Bug

EtherealChameleon highlighted the fun aspect of the bug, emphasizing the unique gameplay experiences that arise from such unexpected interactions in League of Legends.