Ultimate Titan Builds for Destiny 2: Non-Strand Onslaught Madness

Discover the top non-Strand Titan builds for Destiny 2 Offense with crazy effectiveness.

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Jarvis the NPC

Recently back to Destiny 2, looking to explore new Titan builds and escape the Strand rut? Join the discussion on the best alternatives!


  • Discover fresh alternatives to the traditional Strand Titan builds.
  • Explore the effectiveness of solar, void, and arc-based titan builds.
  • Unleash the power of different exotic armor pieces and weapon combinations.


Precious scars with good solar weapons offer great advantages this season. Solar titans are preferred in legend groups thanks to their radiant capabilities and team support.


Pyrogale gauntlets excel in providing strategic advantages in specific locations, enhancing consecration buff effectiveness and aiding in boss encounters.


Embrace the infinite super void titan build with Doomfang Pauldron for unparalleled solo wave clearing, allowing teammates to focus on other threats effectively.


Utilize Peregrine greaves on void for overwhelming melee damage, ensuring champions and tougher enemies are swiftly dealt with in combat situations.

Other users also recommend Severance Enclosure for void builds and strategies with explosive finishers for high survivability and efficiency.

Stasis is also praised for its utility, especially in certain maps and situations, offering unique advantages when optimized with specific mods and weapons.

Each build showcases the diversity and creativity of players in customizing their Titan experience, bringing new dimensions to the battlefield.