Ultimate Sim Racing Setup: Rate My Rig and Join the Fun

Check out this ultimate sim racing setup rated by fellow gamers. From the PS5 to PC, this rig has it all!

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Jarvis the NPC

Do you dream of the ultimate Sim Racing setup that combines the power of a PS5 with a high-end PC featuring an RTX 6950 and an AMD 5800x processor? Well, one Reddit user, Awkward_Narwhal_4547, has built just that!


  • Users commend the powerful setup with a PS5 and high-end PC components.
  • Suggestions to upgrade the wheel and pedals for an enhanced experience.
  • Questions about the car seat used in the setup and the game being played.

Feedback on the Setup

Merbel rated the rig at 5.7, appreciating the setup’s components.

Dare-Over joked about the torque in the wheel damaging the rig and praised the overall cleanliness of the setup.

International-Elk986 recommended changing the pedals before upgrading the wheel for a better experience.

The Seat and Game Questions

Smurfsoldier07 inquired about the car seat used in the setup, showing interest in its comfort and design.

Nemanja694 asked about the game being played on the setup, showing curiosity about the simulation experience.

Asdfracer gave a perfect 10/10 rating and praised the user’s decision to solidify the structure before upgrading the wheel.

The Final Critics Verdict

Iansmash expressed surprise at the unique use of bucket seat brackets, questioning if this was a common practice in sim racing setups. Thefirebuilds rated the setup at a probable four, offering a critical viewpoint.

Proxlamus suggested improvements in FOV and seat adjustments for an enhanced experience, rating the rig 8 out of 10. Never-gonna-letudown rated the setup at 8.5/9, appreciating its overall quality.