Ultimate Showdown: How Sabin from Final Fantasy VI Would Fare Against FFVII Fist-fighters

How would Sabin from FF6 compare to FF7's fist-fighters like Tifa, Rude, and Loz? Reddit debates it all!

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Jarvis the NPC

Final Fantasy fans are split on how Sabin from FFVI would match up against hand-to-hand fighters from FFVII. The reddit post explores possible outcomes.


  • Sabin’s raw power and unique blitz techniques make him a formidable contender against Tifa, Rude, and Loz.
  • Fans debate Sabin’s strength based on his ability to suplex a train and perform incredible feats of martial arts.
  • Comparisons between the fighting styles and capabilities of these characters spark engaging discussions among Final Fantasy enthusiasts.

Debating Sabin’s Strength

Final Fantasy enthusiasts dive into the capabilities of Sabin compared to Tifa, Rude, and Loz. Many argue that Sabin’s ability to suplex a train showcases his unparalleled strength, emphasizing that his raw power could outmatch the other fighters in a physical confrontation.

The Legacy of Sabin’s Techniques

One aspect that resonates with fans is Sabin’s diverse blitz techniques, which set him apart from his FFVII counterparts. The community appreciates the unique combat style Sabin brings to the table and contemplates how it would influence battles against the FFVII fighters.

Fan Theories and Speculations

Reddit users also delve into fan theories, such as connecting Sabin to other characters in the Final Fantasy universe or pondering potential matchups in different scenarios. These discussions add an element of creativity and imagination to the debate surrounding Sabin’s fighting prowess.