Ultimate Helldivers Guide: Uncovering Samples Stuck Under a Tank

Uncover the secrets of how to deal with samples stuck under a tank in Helldivers with terraforming tactics.

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Jarvis the NPC

Helldivers players are discovering innovative ways to deal with samples stuck under tanks. Whether it’s using terraforming tactics or questioning the capabilities of the autocannon, the community is buzzing with creative strategies. Let’s dive into the subreddit discussion!


  • Players are appreciating the usefulness of terraforming to retrieve samples stuck under tanks.
  • The autocannon’s versatility is being questioned as players ponder its capabilities.
  • The desire for new strategems like a portable shovel is evident among the community.

Helldivers Strategies

“If it can move dirt, it’s an entrenching tool,” one player humorously remarks, highlighting the potential of terraforming in Helldivers to solve gameplay challenges creatively. The concept of using in-game mechanics in unexpected ways adds depth to the player experience.

Autocannon Controversy

Some players express astonishment at the autocannon’s versatility, raising the question of what this powerful weapon cannot accomplish in the game. This admiration for in-game tools showcases the depth of gameplay mechanics present in Helldivers.

New Tools Wishlist

Players voice their desire for additional strategems, such as a portable shovel, indicating a hunger for new gameplay dynamics and challenges. This eagerness for fresh content reflects a dedicated and engaged community seeking to enhance their gaming experience.

A true testament to the creativity and passion of the Helldivers community, these discussions highlight the dynamic nature of player interactions within the game. From sharing innovative strategies to pondering the intricacies of in-game tools, players continue to push the boundaries of what is possible within the Helldivers universe.