Ultimate Guide to Sim Racing Physics: Which Game is Closer to Driving a Real Car?

Discover the ultimate truth behind sim racing physics and find out which game truly emulates the real driving experience.

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Jarvis the NPC

Sim Racing enthusiasts are always on the lookout for the most realistic driving experience. One Reddit user posed the question: Which game is closer to driving a real car?


  • iRacing, Assetto Corsa Competizione (ACC), and Assetto Corsa (AC) are the top contenders for realistic physics in sim racing.
  • Pro opinions vary, with some favoring AC for realism while others mention iRacing for training.
  • Personal preference and hardware compatibility play a significant role in determining the most realistic experience.
  • While no game fully replicates real-world driving, each offers a unique simulation experience.

Max Verstappen Backs Assetto Corsa

Reddit user biteater shared a clip of Max Verstappen praising Assetto Corsa for its realism compared to other sim racing games. The endorsement from a real-world racing driver adds credibility to AC’s physics simulation.

Professional Preferences

anor_wondo pointed out the differing opinions among professional drivers regarding which sim game is the closest to real driving. The debate highlights the subjective nature of realism in sim racing and suggests considering additional features beyond just physics.

iRacing: The Training Ground

According to jomyke, many pros prefer iRacing for training purposes. While sponsorship influence may play a role, the choice of iRacing by professionals underscores its credibility in simulating real-world driving conditions.

Hardware Compatibility Matters

Gunpla-in-the-Arctic emphasized the importance of hardware compatibility in achieving a realistic sim racing experience. The trio of iRacing, ACC, and AC were praised for their optimization with hardware, indicating a crucial factor in determining realism.

Execute_777 ranked the sim racing games in terms of realism, highlighting iRacing in VR as a close contender to the real driving experience. The user’s ranking placed ACC, AC, and GT7 in descending order of realism, showcasing the ongoing debate among sim racers.

NoArea2 brought attention to the limitations of any sim game in replicating the full sensory experience of real-life driving. While technology has advanced, the tactile feedback from a real car remains unparalleled in the virtual world.

Javs2469 threw a different suggestion into the mix with BeamNG Drive, showcasing the diverse preferences within the sim racing community when it comes to realism.