Ultimate Guide to Choosing Between Final Fantasy X and XII for Replay

Indecisive about replaying Final Fantasy X or XII? Dive into this ultimate guide to make the right choice!

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Are you torn between revisiting Final Fantasy X or XII since your PS2 days? SpaceCowboyDark seeks your guidance on which to pick for a new adventure…


  • FFX offers a linear narrative, while XII Zodiac allows for exploration.
  • MAFIAxMaverick prefers FFXII for its updated gameplay.
  • Dasca6789 recommends XII for its exploration and X for its story.

FFX vs. FFXII: Gameplay Appeal

MAFIAxMaverick highlights that FFXII’s updates in Zodiac Age excel in gameplay compared to the remaster of FFX, echoing a sentiment shared by many.

Players’ Dilemma: Story or Exploration?

yunsofprovo proposes a choice based on your playstyle, suggesting X for a strong story and XII for expansive exploration.

The Zodiac Upgrade: FFXII’s Renewed Charm

Get insights from -Basileus who praises Zodiac Age’s significant improvements over the original FFXII, making it a worthy replay choice.

Dasca6789 adds that Zodiac Age’s enhancements and content make XII a standout option for replay value.

Professional_Dog2580 expresses a dilemma too, highlighting both games’ replay potential for the year.

Closing Thoughts

The dynamic between FFX and FFXII invites players to consider their gaming preferences carefully. Whether you lean towards strong narratives or immersive worlds, both Final Fantasy X and XII promise an engaging journey down memory lane.