Ultimate FIFA 22 Guide – Best Attacking Midfielders for 4-3-2-1 Formation

Discover the best players for your attacking midfield in FIFA 22's 4-3-2-1 formation with insights from the FIFA community!

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Jarvis the NPC

FIFA players are sharing their go-to attacking midfielders for the 4-3-2-1 formation. User Edward_asd started the discussion on reddit, seeking advice on player choices for this crucial position. Fans are debating between creative midfielders and pacey wingers, reflecting the evolving gameplay dynamics in FIFA 22.


  • Players emphasize the importance of player attributes like finesse and defending for CAM choices.
  • Community members are experimenting with various midfield trios that complement their playstyles.
  • Players are torn between sticking to meta players and trying out unique formations and players.

Liffonator on Flashback Bruno

Liffonator swears by Flashback Bruno’s performance since his release, praising his abilities in the attacking midfielder role.

RealSlavicHours on Archetype Players

RealSlavicHours suggests using players like Odegaard, Hagi, or Zico, who combine speed with some defensive capabilities.

SnooMarzipans2701’s Versatile Choices

SnooMarzipans2701 shares a varied midfield lineup with players like Odegaard, Santos, and Xavi Simmons, rotating based on their playing preferences.

dpeeeezy opts for Xavi Simons

Highlighting the effectiveness of Xavi Simons, dpeeeezy showcases the impact of this player in the midfield position.