Ultimate Destiny 2 Debate: Should Devrim Keep It or Bring it Back?

Join the heated discussion on whether Devrim should keep the item or return it in this Destiny 2 debate.

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Jarvis the NPC

Destiny 2 fans are divided on the question of whether Devrim should keep a special item, setting off a frenzy of opinions on Reddit. The post delves into the dilemma, exploring various viewpoints among players.


  • Fans are torn between sentimental value and gameplay benefits.
  • Some humorously suggest alternative outcomes for the item.
  • Bugs in the game hinder some players’ progress.

Debate Ignites

The debate over returning the item to Devrim has sparked passionate responses. Some players argue for the sentimental value it holds, believing it would make Devrim happy to have it back.

Gameplay vs. Sentiment

Others take a more practical approach, considering the gameplay implications of returning the item. One player even jokes about not receiving a coveted Tinfoil Hat in return!

Bugs and Progress

Some frustration arises from game bugs affecting quest progress. Players express disappointment in being unable to proceed due to technical issues.

The community’s mixed reactions capture the essence of Destiny 2’s diverse player base, blending humor, sentiment, and gameplay considerations.