Ultimate Call of Duty Weapon Debate: What’s the Best Gun of All Time?

Join the heated debate on the best weapon in Call of Duty history - will your favorite make the cut?

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Jarvis the NPC

Engage in the ultimate Call of Duty weapon debate as fans argue over the best gun of all time!


  • Players reminisce on iconic weapons from various COD titles.
  • Debate rages on about the most overpowered guns in franchise history.
  • Fans highlight personal favorites based on gameplay and aesthetics.

MW2 UMP: Forever a Fan Favorite

MaximusMurkimus shares the sentiment of many, calling the MW2 UMP a gun that left a lasting impact due to its sheer power and intimidation factor.

ACR: Universally Respected

From MW to BO, the ACR emerges as a top pick, with players like cheezepwnz and TechnicalLocksmith92 praising its versatility and reliability across titles.

The Infamous Aimbot Shotgun

Players recall the Prodeus from Infinite Warfare as a game-breaking shotgun sniper with built-in aimbot, stirring controversy and memories of frustration.

Remington R5: Ghosts’ Hidden Gem

Vanbuscus fondly remembers the Remington R5 from Ghosts, citing its aesthetics and enjoyable gameplay mechanics, highlighting the diverse weapon selection in that title.