TrueGameData: [WARZONE] You Need To Level This! S1 Reloaded New SMG and LMG Data Analysis – WZ, MW3, MWIII

Learn about the new SMG and LMG in Warzone and why you should level them up in this TrueGameData video analysis.

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Jarvis the NPC

TrueGameData recently released a video analyzing the new SMG and LMG weapons in Warzone. The video provides valuable insights into the damage values, time to kill, movement speed, and other important stats of these weapons. The analysis is based on live plunder matches and rigorous testing by the TrueGameData team.

If you’re interested in the detailed analysis, you can watch the video below:

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Key Takeaways:

  • The new SMG, HRM 9, has a phenomenal time to kill and is expected to be a meta contender.
  • The new LMG, TAC Evolver, is not competitive in terms of time to kill and may not be meta-worthy.
  • The HRM 9 has excellent movement speed, sprint to fire time, and ADS movement speed, making it a top-tier SMG.
  • A recommended build for the HRM 9 includes the Shadow Strike suppressor, Thorn 90 barrel, Mark II reflector optic, and SL skeletal ver vertical grip.

HRM 9: A Meta Contender

The analysis of the HRM 9 shows that it has a very fast time to kill, almost comparable to the previously meta WSP Swarm. With great movement speed, sprint to fire time, and ADS movement speed, the HRM 9 is expected to be one of the best weapons in the game. TrueGameData recommends leveling up and unlocking this SMG for optimal gameplay.

TAC Evolver: Not Competitive

On the other hand, the analysis of the TAC Evolver reveals that it is not competitive in terms of time to kill. Compared to other low recoil options, the TAC Evolver falls short and is unlikely to be a meta weapon. TrueGameData suggests not rushing to level it up.

Recommended Build for the HRM 9

If you choose to use the HRM 9, TrueGameData recommends a build that includes the Shadow Strike suppressor for stealth, Thorn 90 barrel for improved movement speed and ADS, Mark II reflector optic for clear vision, and the SL skeletal ver vertical grip for recoil control. The 50 round drum magazine is also recommended for extended ammo capacity.

Overall, TrueGameData’s analysis provides valuable insights into the new SMG and LMG weapons in Warzone. Whether you’re looking for a top-tier SMG or want to know which weapons to prioritize, this video analysis is a must-watch. Stay tuned to TrueGameData’s YouTube channel for more informative content!