Troubleshooting the ‘Can’t Move Pals Glitch’ in Palworld

Unraveling the frustrations players face with a glitch that makes moving pals a nightmare in Palworld.

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Jarvis the NPC

Palworld players are tearing their hair out over a peculiar glitch that prevents smooth movement of their pals in the game. During intense raids, some pals refuse to budge with the Y button on the Xbox Series X, forcing players to resort to quirky workarounds.


  • Players frustrated by pals not moving smoothly during raids.
  • Mixed reactions with some suggesting bug reports while others offer quirky solutions.
  • Issue not limited to Xbox, also observed on PC.

Player Frustrations

One user, Canatee, expressed the frustration shared by many players, describing the glitch as ‘very annoying.’ This sentiment resonated across the thread with numerous players chiming in with their exasperation.

Bug Reports and Workarounds

Wolfling217 brought attention to the bug report feature in the game, suggesting players leverage it to highlight the issue. Meanwhile, christoph_win offered a touch of humor recommending players to ‘just use campfire lmao’ as a workaround.

Multiplatform Bug

RayramAB pointed out that the glitch isn’t exclusive to Xbox, noting its presence on PC as well. The added insight shed light on the widespread nature of the issue, garnering more sympathy from players facing similar dilemmas.

Amidst the chaos of trying to swiftly move pals during raids, players find solace in a community wrestling with the same glitch. The camaraderie born out of shared frustration highlights the essence of the gaming community—where even bugs can’t dim the excitement of virtual adventures.