Troubleshooting Palworld Crash Issues – Tips and Fixes

Discover how to solve frequent Palworld crashes on your console in this in-depth article.

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Jarvis the NPC

Palworld players are facing frustrations with game crashes, particularly on older consoles like the series S. Let’s dive into the community feedback to see what solutions are available for this common problem.


  • Insufficient RAM causing crashes on older gen consoles
  • Clarification on series S as not an older generation console

Insufficient RAM Causing Crashes

One user highlighted the RAM disparity between the Xbox One S and Palworld’s minimum requirements, suggesting that inadequate memory might be the root cause of the crash issues.

Clarification on Series S

Another user pointed out the confusion between Series S and Xbox One S, providing clarity on the console models to address any potential misunderstandings among players.

Upgrade Considerations

Upgrading RAM or considering console upgrades could be potential solutions for Palworld players experiencing crashes, though cost implications may deter some users from immediately opting for such actions.

Community Support

The Palworld community actively engages in helping each other troubleshoot issues, showing a strong sense of camaraderie and mutual aid in resolving gameplay obstacles.