Troubleshooting Apex Legends Anti-Cheat Issues: A Reddit Discussion

Reddit users discuss frustrations with Apex Legends anti-cheat system. Find out solutions and workarounds!

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Jarvis the NPC

Apex Legends players are venting their frustrations on Reddit about the anti-cheat system causing crashes in the game. What’s up with Respawn’s anti-cheat measures?


  • Players annoyed at frequent crashes due to anti-cheat issues.
  • Solution involves moving files from the anti-cheat folder.
  • Restarting PC may help resolve the problem.

Anti-Cheat Woes

Users like ‘childrenofloki’ express frustration at the recurring crash issue, leading to manual repairs and setup hassles. Respawn’s anti-cheat system seems to be the culprit, causing headaches for many players.

Solutions Galore

‘JaykayX71’ suggests a fix involves moving a file from the anti-cheat folder to the game directory. A simple yet effective solution that worked for many players struggling with the issue.

PC Troubleshooting

‘DefNotMy5thAccount’ recommends a classic tech support move: restart your PC. Sometimes, the simplest fixes are the most effective in resolving technical gremlins.

Patience is Key

‘IMAsko0’ advises players to keep retrying until the anti-cheat system kicks in. Changing servers might also help alleviate the problem and get you back into the game seamlessly.