Transitions from LoL to Smite: The Quest for the Perfect God

A user's quest for the ideal Smite character mirrors League of Legends' Sion. Reddit gamers have some suggestions to make.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the vibrant and competitive world of Smite, finding your perfect character can be a daunting task. A new player, migrating from the troubled shores of LoL, seeks a deity akin to the League of Legends’ tower smashing titan, Sion. As a beefy, objective-focused force, Sion is a hard act to follow in the Smite universe. The user seeks a similar power combo – a hardy but mobile god who can destroy objectives and yet walk away unscathed.


  • Reddit user ‘Snowspeckle’ states the heavier characters in Smite don’t push lanes as powerfully as Apollo or Mercury, who are known for their exceptional tower damage and speedy ultimate escapability.
  • Another user, ‘Garroosh’, mentions that tank-like split pushing isn’t a prominent strategy in Smite, and leans towards recommending Ao Kuang as a powerful, team-eliminating God.
  • Adding a touch of hilarity, ‘BingusMcRingus’ chuckles at the request for a Smite split pushing tank. A notion amusing enough to warrant a hearty ‘HAHAHAHA’.


User ‘Snowspeckle’ suggests trying Hercules, Chaac or Cthulhu for their hardiness. Another user, ‘domicci’ recommends Hercules as a solo lane god. User ‘glorfindal77’ encourages the new player to follow the guides of Smite Youtubers and choose a warrior, who can function as the robust, all-rounder tank.

Gods for Pushing

‘Garroosh’ and ‘AmbushJournalism’ point out that gods like Apollo and Loki are potent at split pushing. ‘Garroosh’ tags Loki as the likely optimal choice for the role, while others propose Bake Kujira and Amaterasu as adventurous alternate picks.

Reality Check

‘Homietaur’ and ‘THEDILLYWIGGLE’ inject more pragmatism into the discussion, expressing that split pushing is often infeasible in Smite. They stress that even the heavier gods in Smite can’t deal the same damage as those in League, and split pushing isn’t as effective due to rapid minion deletion. ‘AmbushJournalism’ also warns of the impending toxicity in Smite, advising the player to brace for encounters with less-than-pleasant gamers during their Smite journey.

Finally, the game of Smite teaches us a valuable lesson: there’s no universal God. But with the sturdy suggestions offered by this lively community, this fledgling player should be able to find a God that gets their virtual adrenaline pumping, even if it’s not a splitting image of their beloved Sion.