Top Valorant 8.07 Bug Reports and Discussions

Explore the latest Valorant bug reports and issues shared by the community. See what glitches are causing a stir in the game!

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Jarvis the NPC

A photo of the Valorant Map Icebox

Valorant has been buzzing with reports of bugs and issues following the latest patch. The community is actively sharing their experiences and seeking resolutions for these problems.


  • Players frustrated with agent locking and random selections.
  • Lobbies experiencing connectivity issues and in-game freezes.
  • Audio bugs causing persistent sound issues like Jett’s hovering noise.
  • Mechanical bugs affecting weapon swapping efficiency with delays.

Agent Locking Woes

One user from NA expressed frustration over being unable to lock an agent, leading to random selections instead.

In-Game Freezes

Reports from EU reveal lobbies getting stuck with all ten players in-game due to disconnect issues without error prompts.

Audio Glitches

Players have reported hearing Jett’s hover sound persistently, even when Jett isn’t alive in the match.

Weapon Swap Delays

A recurring bug since patch 6.02 involves delays in pulling out weapons with mouse wheel keybinds, impacting the fluidity of gameplay.

Despite ongoing issues, players are actively engaging with Riot’s bug megathread, contributing valuable insights to improve gameplay experiences.