Top Skin Wishes for Genshin Impact Characters | Reddit Discussion

Genshin Impact fans discuss dream character skins - will mihoyo deliver? Find out!

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Jarvis the NPC

Have you ever wondered which characters in Genshin Impact players are most eager to see in shiny new skins? Let’s dive into a Reddit post where fans share their hopes and dreams for character outfits!


  • Fans express excitement and frustration over the lack of character skins in Genshin Impact.
  • Players highlight popular characters like Hu Tao, Xiangling, and Zhongli for potential outfits.
  • There’s a mix of realistic and wishful thinking regarding which characters might receive skins next.

Character Skin Desires

Many players are eagerly anticipating character skins for their favorite Genshin Impact characters. One user expressed their wish for an outfit for Hu Tao or Yanfei, emphasizing how it would enhance their gameplay experience and personal enjoyment.

Player Desires vs. Likely Picks

While fans have their top choices for character skins, they are also realistic about which characters are more likely to receive outfits based on Mihoyo’s past selections. Players weigh in on the potential match between their desires and the game developer’s decisions.

Personal Style Preferences

Players also discuss the aesthetics of existing character skins and propose unique design ideas for future outfits. From traditional Liyue styles to modern armor concepts, fans showcase their creativity and fashion sense in imagining new looks for their beloved characters.

Throughout the discussions, one thing is clear: Genshin Impact players are passionate about character customization and eagerly await new skin releases to further enhance their in-game experience.