Top Phrases Every League of Legends Player Should Know – Stand Out in the Game!

Looking to impress your friends in League of Legends? Here are some hilarious phrases to fake your gaming expertise.

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Jarvis the NPC

League of Legends players share funny phrases to sound knowledgeable without really understanding the game. Ever wanted to troll your gamer friends effortlessly? Look no further!

Here’s the original post on Reddit:


  • Impression management: Gamers seek witty phrases for fake game knowledge.

Top Phrases to Fool Your Friends

Players suggest phrases for League of Legends banter include fake complaints to impress friends. Some examples include “Yungle diff” and “Solo bolo.” These create a hilarious atmosphere without true game understanding.

Strategic Trolling for Epic Laughs

Suggestions like “we have no vision” and “can someone buy a pink” add a strategic layer to fake competence. The humor lies in appearing knowledgeable while being clueless, making it a hit among the community.

The Jungle Difference and Other Tall Tales

Advising players to blame jungle difference or mid difference for wins and losses adds a comedic twist to usual game commentary. Humor and trolling intertwined in these sarcastic quips bring fun to gaming sessions.

Players exchange witty phrases to feign expertise, adding a comedic element to their gaming experiences. Whether it’s blaming jungle difference or yelling character catchphrases, injecting humor into gameplay keeps the atmosphere lively and engaging.