Top 80s Action Heroes Fans Want to See in Call of Duty

Call of Duty fans discuss potential 80s action hero additions for the game's upcoming content.

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Jarvis the NPC

Call of Duty fans on Reddit are buzzing with excitement over potential 80s action hero additions to the game. In a recent post, user _Ironsisde_ suggested Red Dawn themed operator skins and characters like Jed and Robert, sparking a wave of creative ideas from the community.


  • Red Dawn themed operator skins and characters like Rambo and John McClane are top requests from fans.
  • Users suggest a mix of iconic characters like GI Joe, Forest Gump, and John Wayne for unique gameplay additions.
  • Some fans prefer classic characters like Roddy Piper from ‘They Live’ and Patrick Swayze from ‘Red Dawn.’
  • Fans are divided on the idea of introducing 80s action heroes, with some preferring current in-game characters like Woods, Mason, and Hudson.

Red Dawn Fever

Users are thrilled about the potential addition of Red Dawn themed content in the game. The idea of playing as iconic characters from the movie and exploring new operator skins has generated a lot of enthusiasm.

Eager to Relive the 80s

Many players are nostalgic for the 80s and want to see beloved action heroes make their way into Call of Duty. From suggestions like Forest Gump in military attire to GI Joe characters like Snake Eyes and Storm Shadow, fans are keen on reliving classic moments.

Classic Characters Steal the Show

While some fans are excited about the prospect of new content, others prefer sticking to classic characters like Roddy Piper’s iconic role in ‘They Live.’ The idea of incorporating characters with unique backstories and personalities adds an extra layer of depth to the game.

Divided Opinions

The community is split on whether introducing 80s action heroes aligns with the game’s current direction. While some users advocate for nostalgia-driven content, others prefer focusing on the existing character roster.

Overall, the discussion showcases the diverse preferences of Call of Duty players, highlighting the ongoing excitement and anticipation for new content drops.