Top 10 Reasons Why Helldivers Can Drive You Crazy – A Reddit Deep Dive

Helldivers can be a real pain, and Reddit users share their frustrations with this relentless foe.

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Jarvis the NPC

Helldivers can really get your blood boiling, and Reddit users aren’t shy about sharing their exasperation with this persistent adversary.


  • Players express intense dislike for the hunter and stalker in Helldivers.
  • Strategies involving shield backpacks and punishers are recommended to counter these enemies.
  • Complaints about hitboxes and unfair proximity issues contribute to player frustration.

The Dreaded Hunter

Many players vent their frustration about the Hunter in Helldivers, citing its relentless pursuit and overwhelming attacks, making it a formidable foe.

Strategies for Survival

Some users suggest using shield backpacks and punishers to make dealing with enemies like the Hunter more manageable, offering tactical advice for overcoming these challenges.

Frustrating Hitboxes

Complaints about hitboxes and the difficulty of hitting enemies, especially at close range, highlight the frustration players experience when facing off against the Hunter and other foes in Helldivers.

The Hunter: haunting dreams and ensuring nightmares for Helldivers everywhere. These ruthless foes keep players on their toes and trigger emotions ranging from annoyance to sheer rage. It’s not just about surviving; it’s about battling against the odds and emerging victorious – or succumbing to the relentless onslaught.