Top 10 Physically Draining Car and Track Combos in Sim Racing

Discover the most physically taxing car and track combinations in the world of sim racing. Which one makes you break a sweat?

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of Sim Racing, some car and track combos can leave you more exhausted than a 10-hour workday. The subreddit post by WholesomeRetriever delves into the realm of physical exhaustion in virtual racing.


  • Rally cars with manual shifters are a real workout
  • 24-hour endurance races can push mental and physical limits
  • Cars like the Cadillac GTP can leave you drained on demanding tracks

urtleSquirt on Rally Racing

urtleSquirt mentions how rally or rallycross with manual shifters can be physically exhausting, requiring full-body engagement.

TeamESRR2023 on Rally Racing

As TeamESRR2023 succinctly puts it, any rally track can take a toll on the body, showcasing the diverse challenges sim racers face.

F1DrivingZombie on Endurance Racing

F1DrivingZombie shares a grueling experience with a 24-hour IMSA race on the Nurburgring on iRacing, highlighting the mental and physical strain.