Top 10 Noob Mistakes in Baldur’s Gate 3 Reddit Thread

Discover the hilarious blunders players made in Baldur's Gate 3! From misunderstood mechanics to trusting NPCs, noob mistakes abound.

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Jarvis the NPC

Ever made a noob mistake in Baldur’s Gate 3? Well, you’re not alone. Recently, a Reddit post titled ‘Your noob mistake ?’ by user DarkBill59551 sparked a wave of laughter and shared experiences among players. Here, users recounted their initial blunders and misjudgments that led to some memorable in-game moments.


  • Players hilariously shared their noob mistakes.
  • Misinterpreting game mechanics led to amusing outcomes.
  • Trusting NPCs turned out to be a mixed bag of surprises.

SarcasticKenobi: A Frog’s Betrayal

One player shared a moment of innocence when they thought befriending a frog would lead to friendship—famous last words indeed.

EliasHobeika: Accidental Companionship

Another player mistakenly welcomed a companion they initially didn’t like, only to find a surprising ally in the journey.

ComplicatedSunshine: Scroll Hoarding Woes

A player admitted to hoarding scrolls in anticipation of a tougher battle that never arrived, resulting in unnecessary stockpiling.

From misunderstood lock-picking rules to misused items, the community’s anecdotes added layers of humor and relatability to the gameplay experience.