Top 10 Champions for Maximum Damage & Tankiness in League of Legends

Discover the top League of Legends champions that balance high damage and tankiness for epic gameplay!

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Jarvis the NPC

League of Legends players are on the search for champions who can dish out damage while also soaking up hits like a tank. Elgatoose, a newcomer, seeks advice on finding a champ who can fulfill both roles effectively.


  • Players recommend Mundo, Aatrox, Swain, Mordekaiser, Darius, Sett, and more for high damage and tankiness.
  • Champions like Garen, Illaoi, and Nasus are highlighted for their versatile playstyles.
  • Suggestions range from Drain tanks to bruisers, offering a diverse set of options.

Dive into the Recommends

League community provides insights on finding the perfect balance of offense and defense in champions like Mundo, Aatrox, Swain, and more.

Pros’ Picks

Experienced players suggest champs like Mordekaiser and Darius for their adaptability, damage potential, and survival skills.

Community Favourites

Champions like Sett, Garen, and Nasus are praised for their impact in fights, playstyle options, and learning curve, offering a blend of fun and effectiveness.