Tips to Climb the Ranks in Smite – Strategies to Escape Elo Hell Gold

Struggling in Smite's Elo Hell Gold? Discover tips and tricks to climb the ranks and improve your matchmaking experience.

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Jarvis the NPC

Struggling to make your way out of Elo Hell Gold in Smite? You’re not alone. Many players, including MrAthl3tiK, are facing challenges this season despite their previous high ranks. The post author shared frustration with the matchmaking system and sought advice from the community.


  • Utilize hyper carries to dominate the jungle
  • Focus on team play and objective calls
  • Consider duo queueing for better coordination
  • Adapt your playstyle to carry games effectively

Embrace Hyper Carries to Dominate

Kenshin11212 emphasized the importance of using overpowered gods to solo carry matches, especially in the face of frequent trolls affecting gameplay. Players like WihZe also highlighted that luck plays a significant role in climbing the ranks, suggesting that some matches may be out of your control.

Team Play and Objective Calls

BanMeYouFascist stressed the significance of refraining from flaming teammates and suggested grouping up even when decisions seem unwise. Making calls for objectives and assisting struggling teammates can improve the overall team dynamic, leading to more successful outcomes.

Duo Queueing for Better Coordination

MrStandardan recommended duo queueing with a focus on carrying every game individually to achieve a higher win rate. While individual skill matters, teamwork becomes more crucial at higher levels of play like masters.

Adapting Your Playstyle for Effective Carries

traviopanda and Onizuka181 advocated for roles like jungle and ADC that have the potential to carry hard in matches, especially in mid-tier ranks like gold. Flexibility in role selection and impacting the game beyond your lane can contribute significantly to victories.

Elo Hell extends beyond diamond ranks according to DopioGelato, highlighting the necessity of playing numerous games to overcome challenges or exploring alternative modes. Toxicvoid31 pointed out that personal errors and lack of cooperation with teammates can contribute to the perception of being stuck in Elo Hell.