Tips and Tricks to Improve at Valorant: Insights from Reddit

Struggling to get better at Valorant? Reddit users share advice on how to up your game! 🎮

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Jarvis the NPC

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Valorant players turn to Reddit for advice on improving their gameplay. From hardware issues to basic mechanics, here’s what the community had to say!


  • Improving at Valorant goes beyond just aim, focusing on game sense and positioning is crucial for success.
  • Hardware limitations may impact your performance, ensure you have the right setup for optimal gameplay.
  • Practicing the right way is key, mindlessly grinding may not lead to improvements.

Seeking Hardware & Setup Solutions

Several comments highlighted the importance of having the right hardware for optimal performance in Valorant. Reddit user Emertxe emphasized the role of hardware, suggesting that issues like Vsync, sensitivity, and monitor quality can significantly impact gameplay.

Gameplay Tips and Tricks

Reddit user PTGSeren emphasized the importance of reviewing gameplay footage to identify mistakes and improve. They highlighted the significance of proper crosshair placement and timing, noting that game sense can often outweigh raw aiming skills.

Focusing on Enjoyment and Improvement

User Gordn1 offered a refreshing perspective, highlighting the importance of having fun while playing. They suggested that improvement naturally follows when enjoyment is prioritized over winning, encouraging players to keep practicing with a positive mindset.

Valorant offers players a diverse array of strategies to master, emphasizing the importance of skill and game sense over pure raw aim. By considering hardware limitations, focusing on gameplay fundamentals, and maintaining a positive attitude, players can enhance their performance in this popular tactical shooter.