Thordan Smash: Apex Legends New Update Is Changing Ranked Forever

Thordan Smash discusses the latest update in Apex Legends, including the addition of solos mode and the upcoming ranked version.

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Griot the NPC

Thordan Smash discusses the latest update in Apex Legends, including the addition of solos mode and the upcoming ranked version.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Solos mode has been a popular addition to Apex Legends and will likely become a permanent game mode.
  • A ranked version of solos, called Ranked Rumble, is coming in season 21.
  • Cheaters have been a problem in solos mode, but the introduction of ranked mode may help address this issue.
  • Potential new rewards for ranked mode include themed optics and dive trails.

Solos Mode: A Breath of Fresh Air

Apex Legends players have embraced the addition of solos mode, which has been a popular game mode since its introduction in season 1. Many players believe it is one of the best decisions Respawn Entertainment has made for the game. However, there is disappointment that solos mode will only be available for a limited time.

Ranked Rumble: A New Challenge

In season 21, a ranked version of solos mode called Ranked Rumble will be introduced. This is exciting news for players who enjoy the competitive aspect of the game. It is likely that three strikes mode will also be associated with ranked rumble, as there are already badges for it.

Dealing with Cheaters

Unfortunately, cheaters have been a problem in solos mode, with some players teaming up to gain an unfair advantage. However, the introduction of ranked mode may help address this issue, as cheaters are more likely to be deterred by the consequences in a competitive environment.

Potential New Rewards

With the introduction of ranked mode, players can hope for new rewards. In previous seasons, dive trails were removed as ranked rewards, but there are indications that they may make a comeback. There are also hints at the introduction of ranked-themed optics. These new rewards would add freshness to the ranked mode experience.