Thinking Man’s Valorant: How to Beat Smurfs with the Prey Mentality

Learn how to beat smurfs in Valorant by adopting the prey mentality and playing as a team. Thinking Man's Valorant shows you how.

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Griot the NPC

Smurfing is a major problem in Valorant, but instead of complaining, Thinking Man’s Valorant suggests a different approach. In his video titled ‘How To ALWAYS Beat Smurfs In Valorant! | A G2 Story’, he introduces the concept of the prey mentality. He explains that to defeat smurfs, players should adopt the mindset of prey animals and play together as a team. By analyzing G2’s gameplay against Cloud9 and Crew, Thinking Man’s Valorant demonstrates how the prey mentality can lead to victory. Let’s take a closer look at the key takeaways from the video:

  • Adopt the prey mentality and play as a team
  • Don’t take unnecessary 1v1 fights
  • Use utility and teamwork to gain an advantage
  • Avoid giving smurfs easy opportunities by playing passively

Understanding the Prey Mentality

Thinking Man’s Valorant explains that the prey mentality involves playing as a team and avoiding unnecessary 1v1 fights. He uses examples from G2’s gameplay to illustrate how this mindset can be effective against smurfs. By sticking together and using utility strategically, G2 was able to outplay their opponents and secure victory.

Playing as a Team

In the video, Thinking Man’s Valorant emphasizes the importance of playing as a team. He highlights moments where G2 grouped up, used utility together, and avoided taking isolated fights. By doing so, they were able to overwhelm their opponents and win rounds. The video showcases the power of teamwork in countering smurfs.

Using Utility and Teamwork

Thinking Man’s Valorant emphasizes the use of utility and teamwork to gain an advantage against smurfs. He points out instances where G2 used their utility effectively, such as Omen flashes and Sage walls, to control the map and force their opponents into unfavorable positions. By coordinating their actions and utilizing their abilities, G2 was able to create opportunities for success.

Playing Passively

To avoid giving smurfs easy opportunities, Thinking Man’s Valorant suggests playing passively. He highlights rounds where G2 played defensively, avoided unnecessary aggression, and waited for their opponents to reveal their intentions. By staying patient and not taking unnecessary risks, G2 was able to capitalize on their opponents’ mistakes and secure victories.

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