Thinking Man’s Valorant: Can You Play NO SENTINEL On The New Icebox??

Discover the struggles of playing without Sentinels on the new Icebox map in this Thinking Man's Valorant video.

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Jarvis the NPC

Thinking Man’s Valorant explores the challenges of playing without Sentinels on the new Icebox map. The video showcases a defensive pistol round that highlights the truth about Icebox’s gameplay. The lack of Sentinels poses a significant problem in defending mid, as demonstrated by the poor performance of the team. The absence of Sentinel utility in mid slows down the team’s reaction time, making it difficult to contest other areas of the map effectively.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Playing without Sentinels on Icebox presents numerous challenges in defending mid and other areas of the map.
  • The absence of Sentinel utility in mid slows down the team’s reaction time and limits their ability to contest other sites effectively.
  • Defending B main becomes tougher with the recent changes to the map, requiring adjustments in strategy.
  • Teams must prioritize playing with Sentinels on Icebox to increase their chances of success.

Challenges of Defending Mid

Defending mid on Icebox without Sentinels proves to be a significant challenge for teams. The lack of Sentinel utility in mid leaves players vulnerable to aggressive pushes and makes it difficult to gather information about enemy movements. In the video, the team struggles to defend mid, leading to their downfall in subsequent rounds.

The Impact on Other Areas of the Map

The absence of Sentinels in mid not only affects the defense of that specific area but also impacts the team’s ability to rotate and contest other parts of the map effectively. The video highlights how the team’s focus on mid leaves other sites vulnerable to attacks, resulting in easy spike plants and a lack of map control.

Changes to B Main Defense

The recent changes to Icebox have made defending B main more challenging without Sentinels. The video showcases the team’s struggles in holding B main against enemy pushes. The lack of utility and limited options for retaking the site put the defenders at a disadvantage.

The Importance of Playing with Sentinels

The video emphasizes the necessity of playing with Sentinels on Icebox to have a better chance of success. The team’s struggles without Sentinels highlight the importance of having utility and agents that can hold and defend key areas of the map effectively.